On Saturday 22nd September, Debs and I were invited to the blessing of two very dear friends of ours………………..

Di & Kym

Di and Kym are friends of ours from that most FABULOUS of venues in The South West, The Sandridge Hotel, in Newquay, Cornwall.

The ceremony took place at the home of Di's parents in Newquay. The ceremony was performed by Alex a freelance vicar from St. Austell.

Here is a selection of photographs taken during and after the ceremony. (Di & Kym, please can you fill in the blanks ?)

Here is Kym (left) with Alex and Di……

Kym with Di's Mum & Dad and of course, Di..

Kym and Di with ? and ?

Kym and Di with ? and ?, Di's sister and brother-in-law


Kym and Di with Robin and ?

Me, Nicki on the left, with Kym, Di, & Debs

Kym and Di with ?, friend from work and ?

Kym and Di (in leurve <g>)

And again !….

And again !….

And again !….

Di with Debs

Afterwards we were all treated to a special buffet laid on by Di's Mum and Dad, the delicious food being provided by Sainsbury's Deli Counter, where Di works. Di's Dad made sure the glasses were well topped up and I for one left just a little bit tiddly I must confess.

Debs and I would just like to say a special thank you to Di and Kym and to Di's Mum and Dad for inviting us to the blessing and into their home. We both wish Di and Kym many years of happiness together.

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